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About the Jedi Community

Jedi Community began in 2024 as an initiative of The Force Dojo to help build a stronger community. This is a neutral platform created for the entire Jedi Community, open to all, free to all.

Social Networking
For many Jedi, the internet is the only avenue of connection. At the same time, the internet also limits personal contact. By creating a social network we create worlds within worlds, giving Jedi worlds of opportunities to freely connect.
Spiritual Development
The religion of Jediism is a modern religion that learns from the greatest ideas and philosophies pulled together by the inspiration of Star Wars lore. The Jedi Community helps you find a path that's right for you. By using the options in your account we can also help connect you with teachers, groups, and orders.
Transforming the world
At the Jedi Community, we believe that the whole point of spiritual development of the individual is that the individual becomes a better contributor to the whole. We want to make society better and stronger by showing it a better path forward. To help with this, The Jedi Community will come up with missions that can be done between a knight/master and apprentice. By undertaking these missions you can raise your reputation.
How to get started
After being part of the community for many years we have some recommendations for all visitors and people interested in starting a journey in the real life jedi religion. By following our roadmap you will most likely have a better experience than you would starting blind or from google searches.
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We are

The JEDICommunity

In 2024, we decided the think and dream a little bigger. We were inspired by the saying "If you build it, they will come". Our goal is to grow the community and help more Jedi connect with each other. You're not alone. You're strong. We are stronger together.

Jedi Nucleus

The Jedi Nucleus team is currently being handpicked to help fuel the creation of and seed new Jedi Orders.


We will be creating missions for experienced Jedi and their apprentices to undertake.

My Personal Jedi

A new site to allow the whole world to seek physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional advice from Jedi.

Jedi Bible

We are collecting submissions for short stories, parables, and answers on different subjects.

Original Content

100% Jedi content representing different sects and paths ensuring that Force Realism is our primary focus.


We curate content and guide new members on their spiritual journey towards balance and enlightenment.

Jediism 101: How to Jedi Series

Our Blog

Blog: Episode I - So you want to be a Jedi?

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Get In touch

We are growing, but we need you. The Jedi Community is a labor of love that speaks to the greatest potential in us all. If you want to know how you can help or if you just need to contact us to report an issue, feel free to contact us.