Galaxy Map

Planets are unique to JC ( as a way of organizing and compartmentalizing social content and discussions. The vibe of a Planet (a type of "Group"), depends heavily on its fictional role in STAR WARS.

You can think of Planets like different channels. Below you'll find our directory of Planets and what the vibe or purpose is for each one, and what the censorship level can be expected to be. It is the responsibility of parents to keep their younglings out of adult spaces.


Jedi Leadership discussions. Temple and Order recruitment. JC Offices, Business District. Discussions on Economics, politics, and religion. Rated PG-13 content
Tatooine is a "Wild Wild West" in terms of conversation. Any subject goes. Minimal content policing. Rated PG-13 content.
Mysticism and Occult discussions. Darkside recruitment. Rated R content
Sith studies and recruitment. Darkside recruitment. Discussions on the Sith Code, The Force, Lightsabers, etc. Rated R content
Discussions on war, peace, violent sports, training, survivalism. Mando recruitment. Rated PG-13 content
Discussions on science and technology, Sentinel training, Health training. Mando recruitment. Rated PG-13 content
Jedi studies and recruitment. Discussions on the Jedi Code, The Force, Lightsabers, etc. Rated PG content
Sith studies. Study of villains. Rated PG-13 content
Contested Debates on hot topics and current events. Rated R content
Contested Debates on old global issues. Jedi vs Sith encouraged. Rated PG-13 content
Discussions about Environmental and Climate issues. Gardening. Rated PG content
Dromund Kaas
Sith Leadership discussions. recruitment. Business District. Discussions on Economics, politics, and religion. Rated PG-13 content